All posts by MUBE Administrator

Working Time Directive: Have your say!

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive. The consultation will run until 15 March 2015. The Commission is reviewing the Working Time Directive to reflect on how to best meet the needs of workers, businesses, public services and consumers. We wish

Triple E Project

Aims to strongly contribute to the development of sectoral Qualifications (national and European) Systems by incorporating ECVET technical specifications, according to the EU specific Recommendation. The project core objective is to gather the main tools and recommendations related to existing modern EU qualifications and turn

Globalisation and OSH: the way we work is changing

The effects of globalisation can be witnessed in so many aspects of our lives, including occupational safety and health (OSH). Firms are facing increasing pressure to remain competitive and, although implementing organisational changes may be necessary, they may result in new risks to workers’ well-being.

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