Category Archives: ILPO55

ERASMUS + Project Partners Meeting

MUBE is participating in the 4th Transnational Partners’ meeting relating to an Erasmus+ funded project ILPO55 – Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55 being held in Barcelona. The current topic under discussion focuses on Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices that support active ageing policies with

Intergenerational Generational Partnership Over 55 – ILPO55

The Malta Union of Bank Employees is a partner in this European Commission funded project. The Project’s outcomes will bring a very important contribution to the sustainable implementation of age management and intergenerational approaches in the FSS: The project commenced in October 2014 and will run

Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55

          THE PROJECT The Project’s outcomes will bring a very important contribution to the sustainable implementation of age management and intergenerational approaches in the FSS: increase over 55 FSS employees’ employability, motivation and entrepreneurial behavior at work place and / or

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