Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55








The Project’s outcomes will bring a very important contribution to the sustainable implementation of age management and intergenerational approaches in the FSS:

  1. increase over 55 FSS employees’ employability, motivation and entrepreneurial behavior at work place and / or searching for new professional opportunities within the FSS and / or other sectors.
  2. reduce the unemployment rate of the over 55 within the FSS, in consideration of their increased professionality
  3. strengthen cooperation between Employers, Trade Unions, HEI and VET providers for facilitating the professional development of the over 55 employees.
  4. the concrete ILPO55 Reference Framework (including practical recommendations, instruments and tools) and the two qualifications (including the courses curricula and training programmes), will enhance stakeholders involvement and motivate them to be more active in this field.
  5. raise awareness about the benefits and opportunities the further exploitation of ILPO55 results can bring for both employer and employees, and for ther local community.
  6. supply Banks and Financial Institutions with relevant skills and competencies and enhanced entrepreneurial behaviors at work place.
  7. support FSS institutions in their social responsibility strategies and activities.
  8. facilitate work-based education and training for young employees, thus enhance their employability.
  9. support companies in their efforts to become ‘Learning Organzations’ through enhancing the: internal exchange and dialogue, professional development opportunities for employees of all ages and learning approach to strategy.
  10. provide input and relevant documentation for supporting national policies and strategies in the field.
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