Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55

          THE PROJECT The Project’s outcomes will bring a very important contribution to the sustainable implementation of age management and intergenerational approaches in the FSS: increase over 55 FSS employees’ employability, motivation and entrepreneurial behavior at work place and / or

MUBE Supports Community Chest Fund Initiative

The Malta Union of Bank Employees – MUBE strongly supports President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca’s launch of the MCCF 1 Euro Campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund. MUBE will encourage all members and non-members to show solidarity by directly acting as benevolent contributors


MUBE hosted the TRIPLE E project in recent weeks that deals directly with Education and Training. One of the culminating moments of the workshop was the exchange of very interesting views held between representatives of the IFS, the MFSA, the University of Malta, MCAST and