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New Skills New Jobs Initiative

European Trade Unions Initiatives on New Skills and New Jobs for Europe A conference organized by the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC was held recently in Brussels entitled “For a Trade Union version of the New Skills, New Jobs Initiative”.  The central theme of

European Works Councils

Definition: When writing about European Works Councils EWCs), it must be said at the outset what in fact the EWCs are and what are theirs legal basis. They are several existing definitions of EWCs but in fact they mean the same thing. One of them

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Relaunching the EU Economy

ETUC Economic and Employment Committee 18th October 2010 – Brussels. The world crisis was triggered by a number of factors pervasive in both housing and credit markets. When Lehman Brothers and other important financial institutions collapsed in late 2008, the crisis hit a key point


In the real world, professional success is not only determined by the number of qualifications and certificates hanging on that wall or the excellent business skills or experience which you may have under your career belt. Your personal appearance is considered to be one of the

Wine Labels

Wine is an extraordinary and fascinating drink. It brings together people from all over the world, from Chile to France, to drink in celebration of all aspects of life. If you are a wine lover you may certainly be extremely comfortable to make frequent selections