Category Archives: News

Media Release – Risposta tal-MUBE

L-MUBE tirreferi ghar-riposta tal-GWU ghall-istqarrija taghha datata 4 ta’ Ottubru, 2013. L-MUBE tikkonferma li ghad ghandha l-maggoranza tal-membri fil-kategoriji manigerjali u klerikali. Nies jitilqu, ohrajn godda jissiehbu u dawk imgieghla jirrizenjaw jergghu lura. Tant hu hekk illi l-MUBE talbet verifika trasparenti skont il-ligi taht l-iskrutinju

Information Bulletin of the EESC’s Workers Group

The March 2013 edition of the EESC newsletter is now available online.  Amongst various topics covered there is a report on the workers’ group meeting with Council President Van Rompuy and a brief history of the ETUC. Source:

Jobs and Training for Young People

Unemployed under-25s would be guaranteed an offer of a job, further education or training under proposed EU measures. Around 7.5 million people aged 15 to 24 are not in employment, education or training. The economic crisis has made finding a job much harder. More than

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World of Work Report 2012

Better jobs for a better economy Published by the International Institute for Labour Studies The International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS) was established in 1960 as an autonomous facility of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to further policy research, public debate and the sharing of

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Tackling Work-Life-Management: Recommendations for Trade Unions

Based on the results of the project “From Work-Life-Balance to Work-Life-Management“ 1. A multilevel task: Work-Life-Management in a Trade Union Perspective 2. Recommendations: Trade Union Approaches to Work-Life Management – Trade Union Support for Members – Collective Bargaining – Working Time & Work Location – Workplaces

‘Il-Gebla tal-General’ Gozo, Malta

A fungus, Fungus Gaulitanus, which grows on the rock had medicinal qualities and this fungus was used by the Knights of St. John. They valued the fungus so much that they guarded the island. A penalty of death was imposed on any one trying to

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