All posts by MUBE Administrator
Exposing dishonest and unethical behaviour unbecoming of a Trade Union
The Malta Union of Bank Employees (MUBE) condemns the dishonest and unethical behaviour of GWU officials who are seriously failing their members in the Banking Sector by ‘feeding’ them false and misleading information. The GWU’s approach escalated immediately after the March election. With reference to
Answer the Call – Raising wages and professionalism in call centres
UNI Global Union has just released the report “Answer the Call: Raising Wages and Professionalism in the Call Center Industry”. Low wages and poor working conditions in call centers are failing to reflect the number of university educated and skilled professionals working in the industry,
UNI EUROPA FINANCE CONFERENCE 2013 Finance for the Future – Making Finance Work for People MUBE officials will be attending the biannual UNI Europa Finance Conference which will take place in Athens, Greece this month. The conference will discuss the themeFinance for the Future –
Well-being at work: creating a positive work environment
This report is based on responses to a questionnaire distributed to organisations in 30 countries, and a survey of the literature. Wellbeing at work is valuable for quality of life as well as economic development. Its importance is increasingly recognised across Europe but there is
Media Release – Risposta tal-MUBE
L-MUBE tirreferi ghar-riposta tal-GWU ghall-istqarrija taghha datata 4 ta’ Ottubru, 2013. L-MUBE tikkonferma li ghad ghandha l-maggoranza tal-membri fil-kategoriji manigerjali u klerikali. Nies jitilqu, ohrajn godda jissiehbu u dawk imgieghla jirrizenjaw jergghu lura. Tant hu hekk illi l-MUBE talbet verifika trasparenti skont il-ligi taht l-iskrutinju
Information Bulletin of the EESC’s Workers Group
The March 2013 edition of the EESC newsletter is now available online. Amongst various topics covered there is a report on the workers’ group meeting with Council President Van Rompuy and a brief history of the ETUC. Source:
Jobs and Training for Young People
Unemployed under-25s would be guaranteed an offer of a job, further education or training under proposed EU measures. Around 7.5 million people aged 15 to 24 are not in employment, education or training. The economic crisis has made finding a job much harder. More than
Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and a Challenge’
Rapidly and surely the world is getting older. In 2000, for the first time in history, there were more people over age 60 than children below age 5. The number and proportion of older persons is growing faster than any other age group, and will