Exposing dishonest and unethical behaviour unbecoming of a Trade Union

The Malta Union of Bank Employees (MUBE) condemns the dishonest and unethical behaviour of GWU officials who are seriously failing their members in the Banking Sector by ‘feeding’ them false and misleading information.  The GWU’s approach escalated immediately after the March election.

With reference to the GWU General Secretary’s remarks during the GWU Congress about the GWU being now the largest union at BOV, MUBE seriously rebuts the GWU claim and has already asked the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations to intervene and conduct an open and transparent verification process to determine membership at BOV.

What is in fact happening at BOV is that GWU officials are instilling fear amongst workers by deceitfully promising heaven on earth to those who resign form MUBE and join the GWU. Is this the type of union solidarity the GWU want? This is unethical and blatant poaching which poses a significant threat to trade unionism. Members are feeling constantly under threat and targeted and are led to believe that resigning from MUBE and joining the GWU section is the only way to move forward in the Bank.

The GWU’s dishonest approach is ridiculing trade unions and trade unionism in general to the detriment of the employees and their families whilst defeating the whole scope of solidarity between trade unions. This also causes unwarranted disruption delaying Collective Agreement negotiations to the detriment of the employees across the board. Responsible for all this perverse attack on MUBE are first and foremost the current leadership of the GWU who in the presence of Profs. Edward Zammit, the appointed ETUC chairperson for Trade Union Unity in Malta, were all preaching UNITY amongst Trade Unions.

Ironically, a year ago, the same GWU leadership had even called the moment when the three Trade Union Confederations (CMTU, GWU & Fo.RUM) met ‘historic’. MUBE reassures its members that it will continue to support its members in their workplace and is well positioned to attract new members from all sectors and grade.|

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