All posts by MUBE Administrator

NCPE Conference

MUBE will be participating in The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) Conference – Human Rights and Equality in Practice – to be held on Thursday 3rd March, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The Roadmap of the European Commission – New Start to

Financial Services Sector ‘Triple E’ Qualifications

The Malta Union of Bank Employees was a partner in this European Commission funded project which aimed to strongly contribute to the development of sectoral Qualifications (national and European) Systems by incorporating ECVET technical specifications, according to the EU specific Recommendation. The project core objective is

Childcare for all: making early childhood education and care more accessible and inclusive – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion – European Commission

Access to early childhood education and childcare (ECEC) is important for promoting equal opportunities of children as well as for facilitating work-family balance of parents and especially labour market participation of mothers of small children. EU countries vary a great deal in terms of how

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