Category Archives: Conferences

Current EU Financial Regulation at a glance

At a recent conference held in Brussels, organised by UNI Europa Finance with the collaboration of the Directorate-General Internal Market and Services, top priority issues on the agenda of the European Commission revealed to be the resolution towards EU banking difficulties, shadow banking and new

UNI Europa P&M Conference 1 & 2 March 2012

The UNI Europa Professionals and Managerial Conference kicked off today with the main focus being Work-Life Management, in particular the EU Funded project entitled ‘From Work-Life Balance to Work Life Management: Promoting and Implementing positive examples in times of ubiquitous mobile technology.’ The main objectives

EU Social Dialogue Committee

On Thursday 9th February 2012 MUBE General Secretary Dr. Adrian Borg LL.D. attended and participated in a meeting of the EU Social Dialogue Committee on behalf of the Confederation of Malta Trade Unions (CMTU) – this Committee brings together representatives of the European Trade Unions

Conversion of Precarious Work into Work with Rights

On the 22-23 November 2011 MUBE  attended an International Labour Organisation (ILO) conference, organized by their International Training Centre  in conjunction with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the EC/DG Employment, Social Affairs and Integration, on the ‘Conversion of Precarious Work into Work with

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New Skills New Jobs Initiative

European Trade Unions Initiatives on New Skills and New Jobs for Europe A conference organized by the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC was held recently in Brussels entitled “For a Trade Union version of the New Skills, New Jobs Initiative”.  The central theme of

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