All posts by MUBE Administrator

European Year of Development

2015 was a special year for development. It was the first ever European Year to deal with the European Union’s external action and Europe’s role in the world. For development organisations all over Europe it was an unparalleled opportunity to showcase Europe’s commitment to eradicating

MUBE and HSBC sign collective agreement

The Malta Union of Bank Employees – MUBE and HSBC Bank Malta plc have signed the Collective Agreement for the period 2014-2018. The agreement was signed by MUBE and HSBC representatives in the presence of staff members at the bank’s branch in Zejtun. This agreement

Towards a better employee involvement in undertakings: roles and tasks of the main actors in establishing and improving European Works Councils – To.Be.E.Ewc

UNI-Europa, like other European Trade Union Federations, defined some guidelines with a view to leading the process establishing a European Works Council. This project intends to turn theory and basic guidelines into an operating process, standardizable, representable by a flow chart diagram consisting of a

4th UNI Europa Conference

Changing Europe together – Cambiamo insieme l’Europa • illustrates that Europe is in a period of rapid change • highlights that service unions need to get actively involved to change Europe as it is developing today • reflects the urgent need for services unions keep

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