All posts by MUBE Administrator

UNI Global Union

UNI Global Union provides a voice and a platform for workers at the international level in jobs ranging from the night janitor in your office block to the big-time Hollywood director of your favourite movie. With 20 million workers in 900 unions worldwide UNI fosters


The Confederation of Malta Trade Unions – CMTU was set up in August 1959 to improve generally the economic and social conditions of employees, improve friendly relations between the federated organizations and to further cooperation and mutual consultation between them. The CMTU has no political

An Indian Wedding

PART ONE – What happens when a Maltese girl falls in love with an Indian boy and decides to get married… India?! Yes………. we panicked, yes…………. we were concerned but in the end it was what she wanted and a group of family members decided

Conversion of Precarious Work into Work with Rights

On the 22-23 November 2011 MUBE  attended an International Labour Organisation (ILO) conference, organized by their International Training Centre  in conjunction with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the EC/DG Employment, Social Affairs and Integration, on the ‘Conversion of Precarious Work into Work with

NORMA Project

MANAGING ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS At a recent concluding seminar held in Brussels and coordinated by Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani (FABI), it was stressed that anti-discrimination practices should come more to light on the place of work.  The Malta Union of Bank Employees – MUBE

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New Skills New Jobs Initiative

European Trade Unions Initiatives on New Skills and New Jobs for Europe A conference organized by the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC was held recently in Brussels entitled “For a Trade Union version of the New Skills, New Jobs Initiative”.  The central theme of

European Works Councils

Definition: When writing about European Works Councils EWCs), it must be said at the outset what in fact the EWCs are and what are theirs legal basis. They are several existing definitions of EWCs but in fact they mean the same thing. One of them

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Relaunching the EU Economy

ETUC Economic and Employment Committee 18th October 2010 – Brussels. The world crisis was triggered by a number of factors pervasive in both housing and credit markets. When Lehman Brothers and other important financial institutions collapsed in late 2008, the crisis hit a key point

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