All posts by MUBE Administrator

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A VIEW ON HOW EUROPEANS MANAGE TO COPE WITH WORK AND PRIVATE LIFE – REPORT TO UNI 2010 Europe is facing both an increasing global competition and a huge demographic shift. The European work force needs to improve its efficiency and skills in order to face up

At The Core of the EU and Finance Policy in the Making

It is fascinating being amongst the Brusselistas galore and tasting the environs transpired from the fundamental core of EU integration.  This kernel is characterised by the common European economic and political foundations dating back to the mid-twentieth century, the ceaseless path to better the unity

UNI Europa P&M Conference 1 & 2 March 2012

The UNI Europa Professionals and Managerial Conference kicked off today with the main focus being Work-Life Management, in particular the EU Funded project entitled ‘From Work-Life Balance to Work Life Management: Promoting and Implementing positive examples in times of ubiquitous mobile technology.’ The main objectives

Project on Active Ageing

2012 is the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The Malta Union of Bank Employees – MUBE is a partner in the FIBA-CISL project on ”Developing solidarity between generations of workers: good practices to increase employment rates of youth and of workers

EU Social Dialogue Committee

On Thursday 9th February 2012 MUBE General Secretary Dr. Adrian Borg LL.D. attended and participated in a meeting of the EU Social Dialogue Committee on behalf of the Confederation of Malta Trade Unions (CMTU) – this Committee brings together representatives of the European Trade Unions

An Alternative to London

Perfect alternative to London – Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne is located in the North East of England and triumphs as a less expensive alternative to London with prices ranging 10 – 15 percent lower than the London average. Newcastle upon Tyne, or commonly


Standing Committee of European Central Banks Unions. The SCECBU is composed of the Trade Union Organisations and Staff Associations representing the Personnel of the European National Central Banks and of the European Central Bank subscribing to democratic values and recognizing the European Human Rights Declaration. Further

UNI Europa (Brussels)

European integration and globalization means that trade unions can no longer be effective if they work solely at national or local level. In order to win better conditions for their members, unions representing workers in specific industries have to act together across Europe and internationally.

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