4th UNI Europa Conference

Changing Europe together – Cambiamo insieme l’Europa
• illustrates that Europe is in a period of rapid change
• highlights that service unions need to get actively involved to change Europe as it is developing today
• reflects the urgent need for services unions keep working together to change Europe’s direction towards a fair and social Europe
The conference will be divided into three sessions designed to discuss and agree motions on
“Changing Europe by Growing Unions” – This session opens the Conference by highlighting that both trade union power as such, as well as our ability to meet the challenges facing service workers, depend on strong and active trade union membership. Organising is thus key – it includes recruiting and retaining members, gaining new UNI Europa affiliates, activating membership and strengthening trade unions. With a bottom-up approach, we want to formulate a common UNI Europa organising target for 2020 based on affiliates’ individual organising targets.
“Changing Europe by Growing Bargaining Power” – This session will look at the political, legal, economic and social developments in the European Union and Europe as a whole. It will examine how these developments challenge the bargaining power of trade unions, in particular at sectoral and national levels – the source of trade union power. The question is how can we work together to reverse and counter these developments that are weakening unions’ bargaining power?
“Changing Europe by Growing Quality Jobs” – Rapid changes in the world of work are bringing about political, economic and social challenges for Europe’s services unions. Digitalisation, precarious work and demographic change are key factors. This session, reflecting this new context, will focus on what role service unions should play in a rapidly changing labour market.
How can unions through their political and collective bargaining roles champion full employment with living wages and quality jobs, not only for high-skilled workers, but for all? This session will develop a forward-looking strategy that ensures that European services and their workforce are recognised as the backbone of economic and social progress in Europe.
Watch Regional Secretary Oliver Roethig’s message here:
Source: http://www.unieuropaconference.org/en/