ERASMUS + Project Partners Meeting

MUBE is participating in the 4th Transnational Partners’ meeting relating to an Erasmus+ funded project ILPO55 – Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55 being held in Barcelona. The current topic under discussion focuses on Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices that support active ageing policies with particular reference to ‘over 55’ in the Financial Services Industry.
The partners have also met the management team of Banc Sabadel who gave a presentation on a project currently in progress called ‘Expert Project for over 55’ followed up by another presentation from EFEC on a project called ‘Financial Literacy Project in Spain involving Over 55 bankers. Both these presentations enhance the partners’ knowledge of the current situation for over 55 employees in the Financial Services Sector and will contribute to the development of our project.
Partners participating in the project meeting are: IEF Spain – MCAST, MUBE, IFS, MBN Malta – NIBE Netherlands – EFFEBI, UNINETTUNO Italy – ANUP Romania – IBE NBS Slovakia